Since its establishment in 1988, the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby has played a significant role in the nation’s LGBTI cultural identity. An ambitious undertaking at the time, it remains a powerful symbol of modern social reform for LGBTI people.

We have made significant contributions to law reform and social change, guiding and shaping the private and public narrative of rights and reforms with diplomacy, integrity and collaboration.

At the same time, the environment in which the GLRL operates has evolved in ways that were impossible to anticipate at the time of its inception.

In response to the modern challenges we face, we’ve embarked on a renewal process to open up discussions on our future, to allow more people to engage with our performance and to transform the nature of the organisation.

Despite the changes we make, our core focus remains the same – to lobby politicians, government, policy makers and the media to redress discrimination against the LGBTI community and to represent it at all levels.

Find out more about our current causes and get involved.

The community we represent has made enormous leaps forward when it comes to equality, but there is still much to be done. You can help us by becoming a member, volunteering or making a donation.